There is a wide variety of skin treatments revolving around specialized light and lasers. Sometimes, it can be hard to keep track of all the different kinds of treatments and what each of them does. One such example is the difference between BroadBand Light (BBL) and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL).

What does IPL do?

While BBL works mostly with the complexion’s discoloration, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment focuses more intently on producing firmer skin that looks younger. In addition, IPL can improve the appearance of your skin’s texture and tone.

IPL works through heating the uppermost layers of your skin. This heating causes your cells to create more collagen, leading to a more youthful appearance. After a treatment, there is very little to no downtime, but you will have to stay out of the sun for a few days.

What does BBL do?

BroadBand Light treatments decrease the appearance of sun damage that is visible on your skin. This mostly relates to discoloration such as the red, white, or brown spots which often appear as people age. Overall, BBL is known to rejuvenate the complexion.

Similar to IPL, BBL requires no surgery and little to no downtime. However, BBL is best suited to the face, upper chest, neck, and hands. This is different than IPL, which can be used almost anywhere on the body.

How does BBL work?

As you age, your genetic patterns change. This includes the cells that cause your skin to restore itself on a regular basis. BBL works by stimulating these cells to continue the natural restoration of your skin.

During treatment, BBL uses high-powered energy to stimulate your collagen production. The best procedures, such as Forever BBL (the one we use here at Montrose Dermatology), also offer cooling features so that there is little discomfort while being treated.

Overall, BBL treatments may take roughly 20 minutes.

No matter what light therapy you are using, the number of treatments required could vary from patient to patient. Check in with your local dermatologist, Montrose Dermatology + Cosmetics, to learn about BBL treatments and how they could work for you!